Friday, February 14, 2014

Sound Homes…Established February 1, 2014

Sound Homes LLC has hatched!  I am so excited to begin this business…with this blog I hope to journal the ups and downs of a business built with heart and based in the values of home.

We have the following properties in the hopper:

Anderson - a home found on an auction website…signed some dodgy paperwork which made my attorney queezy and fingers are crossed.

Woods End - a short sale - signed paperwork in mid January - here it is Valentines Day - waiting on word from the bank what they think of our offer.

Maple Ave - a short sale - we are in a backup position - put in an offer in Mid January and not a peep and I'm not overly hopeful.

While we wait for an approved offer and our first closing we are undertaking a gentle renovation of 69 Soundview - new kitchen cabinets/appliances/counters and a refurb of the floors..and some color added to the currently all white walls…



Sound Homes would not be possible without the love and support of some very special people…Joanne and Paul who got me thinking seriously about doing this, Cindy and Dean for wanting to be part of the adventure in a hands on way, my girls and Vinny who have cut me slack when dinner is less than it could be, and most importantly, my hubby Bob who has encouraged and supported me and always made me feel this was something I could succeed at.

Thank you all..I love you and couldn't have done this without you.  Now let's get going!!

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